We use widening participation criteria, based on the Office for Students ‘Equality of Opportunity Risk Register’ , and work hand-in-hand with heads of 6th form and teachers to determine eligibility.
Each student completes a written application and undergoes a video interview to ensure they will benefit from the Foundation’s programme and that we are able to support them effectively.
Whilst we consider a range of measures, taking our lead from the Office for Students students Equality of Opportunity risk register, our students usually meet at least one of the following:
Pupils in state schools in receipt of free school meals. This is one of the most well-established markers of poverty.
Pupils who have been identified for pupil premium prior to entering sixth form. The pupil premium is allocated to children up to the age of 16 who are looked after by the local authority, those who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last six years (also known as Ever 6 FSM) as well as children whose parents are serving in the armed forces.
Pupils who are in receipt of bursaries or grants.
Pupils who’s parents or carers have not attended university.
Pupils live in places where young people are less likely to enter higher education.
2021 Cohort